How Do Solar Electric Panels Work?

If you've more than a slight curiosity about renewable energy sources and are thinking about purchasing a solar panel array you may have a notion about how solar panels produce electricity. How exactly sunlight enters and how electricity is released is more intricate, however. If you are also interested in buying a solar electric panel, check this site –

A little bit of study will provide you with a complete understanding of how electrical panels function and can be quite interesting things to know.

Solar Panels and Electricity Generation

The other name that is used for a solar panel is called photovoltaic which translates to "light electric power." The concept that sunlight could be transformed into electrical energy was first spotted by a French scientist known as Alexandre Edmond Becquerel in 1839. 

However, only in the 1950s did silicon emerge as an excellent electrical conductor. This new semiconductor material required some assistance to make it a great conductor of electricity; it was discovered that researchers could add other elements like phosphorus and boron. 

How do cells generate electricity?

The typical cell is composed of two layers that both contain silicon. Its top one is doped by phosphorus and the bottom layer contains boron. This creates an environment in which the bonding between silicon and each of these materials generates an electric charge. Sunlight is the element that causes all the electrons to start to move around in the beginning. When electrons travel and are directed in the right direction, the electrical wiring in cells provides the circuitry needed for the production of electrical energy.